Tuesday, July 17, 2007

sucker for the country

so folks it seems like a long time since i have updated my blog. my apologies... my apologies... this past weekend was the final official group trip....a blessing and a curse. a blessing in that the time for me to see friends and family is rapidly approaching yet a curse to realize that my time with new friends and my home in the philippines is approaching its end date. anyways onto this weekend.

this past weekend we went to cebu (say-boo) and bohol (bo-hole) and had a fantastic time. i have discovered as much as i try to flee from my dairy farm upbringing i seem to gravitate towards the country. i think there is a universal language among farmers. the language in the worth of dedicated hard manual labor, in patience of caring for fields and animals and the acceptance and expectation to get down and dirty. i am definitely not fluent in the language but i think i can speak it better than most...;). this weekend my rural world in indiana collided with rural life in the philippines. as we toured via our 3 person motorbike through the chocolate hills i was amazed how on one side of the bumpy dirt road were newly planted rice paddies while the other side was field of corn. not wimpy, short or sickly looking corn but good healthy nearly to the calibre of my family's corn. yet what back dropped the corn fields were palm trees. it was beautiful and made me grin.

as were were touring through these huge mounds of dirt... seriously they look like huge ant hills... we came across a farmer with his caribou (or ox). of course in grand fashion he was sitting a top of his beastly friend and of course you guessed it i wanted to do the same. so we stopped our motor bike and i "gracefully" attempted to mount the dried mud matted ox. i finally succeeded and it was glorious.

as i think back on the memories i have made on this trip what tops the list are the interactions i have had with "country folk". perhaps they remind me of my childhood. i don't have tangible reasons for my rural attraction other than the special equation for an excellent vacation is beautiful rural scenery, away from the city and close to the smell of animals.

oh i did other stuff but you can check out the pictures for that.


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