Friday, April 13, 2007

hear ye hear ye

hear ye, hear ye... i have officially entered the 21st century. i know i know... a round of applause, please. anyways, this whole blog stuff is not as easy as it looks. first you need to come up with some clever address, then an even better blog name and finally decide on the layout, color and design. oy vez!!

so now the task of actually writing something other may want to read. first let's establish a few ground rules. by no means will this blog serve as an intellectual stimulating window into any aspect of life. there will be grammatical errors, made-up facts to support my perspective and most importantly an expectation and assumption that all who read will smile or chuckle. i have been told by many, "i write the way i talk and you can hear my voice through the words." so consider this a text version of a conversation.

phew... that's enough of that! in less than a month i will graduate. a day to commemorate the fact i have "mastered" something... what is that something? well, the diploma will say "social work with a certificate in international social development" BUT do i believe i have mastered any such thing... absofreakin'lutely not!! sure i have paid, and will continue to pay until i am gray and saggy, thus i am owed such mastery, but how come i have more questions upon graduation than when i first commenced on this journey? isn't 9 months of academic rigger suppose to clear stuff up a bit? or is that the point of school? to murky the still waters of an idle brain? to cause question in previously accepted practices and beliefs? to stretch you mentally, emotionally, physically, professionally and socially into a person you are proud to be? tricky questions, even trickier answers. perhaps when i receive that newly printed piece of paper, so fondly treasured as a diploma, the paper with my beautiful name stretched across it, proclaiming i have accomplish a specific level of education, a bolt of lightening will strike me, my questions will be answered and i will thirst for no more knowledge.

yeah, fat chance... but it would be kinda cool. perhaps instead of battling the questions i should revel in the fact there are no answers. for if all questions had clear answer how fun would life really be?

hmmm.... so that's my first attempt at a post. how did i do? what it as good for you as much as it was for me? comments welcomed.

blessings until...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't read your blog. In fact, I mostly cannot read. Someone is writing this for me right now.....Anywho, the mamma in that picture is HOTTT!!!