Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ode to the visitor

As Wyatt earns his best-dad-in-the-world stripes and continues to rock Miss Molly to sleep (we are going on 90 minutes, people) it prompts me to write a special note of thanks to the visitors we have had thus far. Both my sister, Jacki, and my mom were such an immense amount of help with actions and support.

Molly's first visitor was my sister, Jacki. She flew all the way from Portland, Oregon to be with us less than a week after Molly was born. She held Molly for endless hours allowing me to physically recuperate and begin the steps of comprehending how different my life has become. She worked outside on our sad, sad garden. But most of all she listened and supporter both Wyatt and I as we muddled through the first week. This was a common scene when Jacki was around....

Aunt Jacki and Miss Molly Mae.
She left and three days later my mom showed up. My mom or what she now proudly labels herself- Grandma Stoltzfus- spoiled us. She loved, loved, loved holding and caring for Molly. Raising four children herself, she is a seasoned expert and it shows. She reassured me that Molly was not sick whenever she cried (because yeah, I always jump to the worst) and told us we were doing a good job. She worked hours outside cleaning up the crazy jungle foliage surrounding our house. After eight glorious days she left to return to the farm. Here's a quick shot of Gma, Molly and Big Phil.

Grandma Stoltzfus, Miss Molly Mae and Big Phil
So now it's just us... and it's hard sometimes. It's hard when she cries and we don't know what to do. It's hard when we are tired, she is tired and we all just need to take a week-long nap. But when she is happy, when she gives a little gas or milk-coma induced smile it's easy to remember where the patience comes from.

She's our little Molly Mae. We created her and we love her.

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