so folks this past weekend was AMAZING!! i could attempt to describe all the sights, sounds, feelings and every minute detail of my trip but that would require an extraordinary amount of time on both of our parts. so instead i will just write and see what comes out!!!
we left manila and took an hour plane ride to puerto princesa, palawan otherwise known as paradise. with the trusty "lonely planet's guide to the philippines" in hand we ventured from the airport towards the jeepney station, via tricycle, to catch the jeepney to sabang where we were to spend two days relaxing on the beach, hiking through the jungle, exploring the underground river and eating fresh seafood.
of course like all bright eyed tourist we wanted the best seat in the house for our trip to sabang. and the best seat was the top of the jeepney with the men, market purchases of fish, chicken, goats and baskets, luggage, and grain bags upon grain bags of rice, not to mention any other random thing that needed to be transported from the city of puerto princesa to the rural town of sabang. so on the top we sat. we were probably about 10-12 feet off the ground perched on huge grain bags of rice. it was fantastic. surrounding me were 9 extremely tan filipino men and underneath me inside of the jeepney were probably around 30 people crammed into a vehicle that fits 15-20 tightly.
and we were off. as i dodged the low branches and stayed balanced on top of my throne of rice i saw the most beautiful scenery. the view of the ocean, view of the marble mountains, the chatter of a language i don't know, the smiles, the waves, the rural setting all of it was overwhelmingly beautiful. i wonder if people that live in that area or that have grown up in such beauty really understand and appreciate their surroundings. ah well... that's another blog.
so we are moving up and down the hills and mountains then..... POP!! a tire blows out. we stop and we are told "this happens all the time. no need to worry". the tire is fixed at a rapid speed and we are off and running again. 4 hours later we arrive at our destination in sabang. a trip that according to lonely planet and the air-conditioned van ride offers should only take 2 hours max. but it was a glorious 4 hours.
we arrive, settle into our huts and head for the beach. it was sunset and the sky danced with purples, reds, oranges and the last shades of blue. the water was bath water warm and the surf was calm. the water was so crystal clear that i could see my pink toenails even when i was neck deep in the water. to float in a calm ocean at sunset is true tranquility.
we walked back to our huts to shower and prepare for bed before the 4 hour generated electricity cuts off at 10pm.
it is surreal yet it is reality. what a great day...
blessings abound.
ps- there are many more stories and eventually they will come out. but no amount of text can do the weekend justice. instead check out the new photos!!